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Great Journey Of Teenagers 2
After Wu Xin left, Xiao Se and Lei Wu Jie arrived in Xueyue City. Third Lord Sikong Chang Feng recognized Xiao Se and insisted on taking him in as his disciple. Lei Wu Jie challenged the Dengtian Chamber and requested to see Second Lord, the Xueyue Sword Deity Li Han Yi. He wanted Li Han Yi to go to the Lei Faction and visit his master, Lei Hong. The two of them made a deal. If Lei Wu Jie could survive three sword moves from Li Han Yi, Li would go with him. Several months later, Lei Wu Jie became highly skilled in martial arts and successfully endured Li Han Yi’s three sword moves. Li Han Yi kept her promise and left the mountain. As Xiao Se entered Xueyue City, the other princes of Tianqi became restless as well. They started to search for allies one after another. A scheme against Xueyue City is currently brewing. ...


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